Reproducible science
Share fully reproducible digital research objects (data, code, results, software, provenance) at Tera byte scale.
Science communication and teaching
Public talks and discussions on open science and data management, as well as multi-day workshops on data management or software tools.
Software containers
Building and using containerized software, Docker/Singularity/Apptainer.

Scripting and software development with Python for research software engineering, data science, neuroimaging (NumPy, pandas, sklearn, matplotlib, pyplot, seaborn, pymvpa, nibabel, nipype, fmriprep, fitlins, pybids,…), continuous integration, unit testing, Python packaging, debugging.

5+ years experience with Debian (main operating system), bash/shell scripting, major command line tools.

Miscellaneous tools
I have a broad and always expanding techstack of open source software tools, from advanced text editors, graphic programs, presentation frameworks, to CI or documentation services, and statistical programming languages, and I love mastering more.

Technical writing
I have extensive experience in creating accessible user documentation for complex software tools, building and mainting documentation framewords, and coordination with software development.